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Lone Asgaard
Head of Administration
M2 Film

Creatives & crew

Lorans Salim Ishia
Head of IT
M2 Film
Mark Kjær Andreasen
Head of IT Operations
M2 Film
Søren Nystrup
M2 Film
Kim Melby Jarly
Business Controller
M2 Film
Troels Hougaard Nielsen
Financial Controller
M2 Film
Sanne Vejlin Nielsen
Financial Assistant
M2 Film

Our ability to deliver multiple services allows us to improve both scheduling and budgeting efficiencies. That way we can help clients create beautiful, effective campaigns and content for any screen.

  • M2 Film are350cool people

  • We amaze (people)6250worldwide every minute

  • We shoot (hours)271of video each month

  • We distribute14037master files each year